Our Founder

Ashonda Culcleasure

Tech Professional, Mom, and Entrepreneur

Ashonda began her tech journey as a technician with Verizon and Asurion. Seeking stability, she moved to a role at the NYS DMV, but the rigid work environment and scheduling conflicts led her to leave, especially after facing challenges in caring for her youngest son, who had chronic asthma and other medical conditions.

In 2019, Ashonda turned her side hustle of mobile phone repair into an official business, Piggy’s Repairs, LLC. By 2020, she expanded to offer pick-up and drop-off services. Partnering with Candace Byfield of Wired Foundations, they opened a commercial office space, leading to significant business growth. In 2021, Ashonda opened her first storefront in the Bronx, which quickly became a community hub.

Driven by a desire to help more children access technology, Ashonda transitioned from Piggy’s Repairs to founding Fix It With Piggy in 2023. This EdTech company focuses on supporting youth through tech courses and internships, partnering with educational organizations and city programs. Recognized by the Mayor’s office for her contributions to digital equity, Ashonda remains committed to expanding her reach and impact through community engagement and education.

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